Does anyone still use IRC? I’ve set up a basic server at, why not pop in and have a quick chat? Channel
Category: Uncategorized
Well had my first exam on Monday. It wasn’t too bad, I don’t think, although as they say, “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.”
The next one is on Saturday morning at half 9 (yay – not), and it’s on Quantum Mechanics and Relativity. It should be OK, the assignments for QM went a lot better than I thought they would, so I’ll hopefully be the same in the exam.
The problem this year is that two of the modules had new lecturers last year, so there’s only really one year of past papers. I know you aren’t meant to revise using the past papers, but it’s nice to have a rough idea of the layout of the exam, which you can’t get if there is only one past paper in existence.
Anyway back to revision…
Merry Christmas
Haven’t blogged in a long long time, but… Merry Christmas everyone. I hope Santa was good to everybody, and hope you all got what you wanted.
Santa was terribly good to me – I got converse, new shoes, clothes, PJs, some sweeties, money, a new coat, camera bag, and some other smaller things, so, all in all, a great collection of stuff!
Anyway, hope everyone enjoys their Christmas Dinner.
Well, sitting in the car waiting for Amanda and her mum to get back home from work in Belfast.
Weird, Tinie Tempah was on Cool FM lol.
There’s a big shower of rain coming over Carrick right now, looks like it might be rather heavy.
The wee hamster is looking better. He’s still not himself, but he’s not doing badly, and is certainly looking a little brighter than he was before! He’s got a few more days of antibiotics to take, then I hope he’ll be all better.
Holidays, A Sick Hamster, and Almost Back to Uni…
Well, Amanda and I were away to Disneyland Paris last Monday to Friday. We had a great time. There’s a few new rides in the Studios park; RC Racer, Parachute Drop and Slinky… They were all quite good, but it’s nice to have another ‘Thrill’ ride in Disney…
Got home on Friday night to a sick hamster… Off to the vet on Saturday, who gave him an injection (didn’t think you could give a hamster an injection lol), and some antibiotics for a few days… So he’s perking up the last day or two thankfully, so hopefully he’ll make a full recovery 🙂
Start back to uni on the 27th, just 26 weeks left yay.
Anyway, don’t know what else to let you know about at the minute, might think about something else soon… Cyaa.
Not much to report…
Well, don’t really have a lot to mention on here. Still moving bits and bobs of websites over to the new hosting. Had some problems with mums school website, but it seems to be working now. The dedicated server is getting shut off later today.
Been working all over the place recently. Night shifts in Fortfield in Carrick, normal shifts in Rathcoole, my poor wee body clock is a bit broken, hence the quarter to four post at the minute! I suppose this is a better thing than sticking to my normal sleeping pattern though, it’s getting me sleeping through about half the day, which I think is maybe closer to what I need on nights? I should maybe try doing that thing where you sleep for half an hour at a time? Only problem would be getting the half hour during an 8 hour shift…
I tidied my room a bit today, it’s actually a little cleaner than before, but it still needs a lot of work! Maybe get a chance to do some more tomorrow.
Anyway I’m actually getting a little tired now, so I’ll head to sleep, yknow make hay while the sun shines, and all that jazz!
test post from cellspin
Moving hosting provider
Hey, well I’m just in the middle of moving from my existing provider to So far it’s been pretty painless – all my sites are now moved, I just have to cancel the previous server… Anyway, shall blog again once I finish this all!
No updates in a long, long time!
Hey folks. Haven’t updated this in like a month and a bit! Well it’s now summer and I’m bored, not much in the way of extra hours going, so really just sitting farting around a lot of the time!
Amanda and I were in Fuerteventura from mid June until the end of June. We had a really good time, such a lovely country. We also got engaged 😀
Right now I’m sitting in the Subway in SPAR Mallusk. Had a breakfast thing, very tasty! Currently waiting on the car getting serviced. Must say, I’m at a bit of a loose end for a few hours! Might dander down into Glengormley or something. Hopefully the car won’t be too long 🙁
Sadly my flash doesn’t seem to be working, it won’t charge, so I presume something has blown up, which is crap. Shall have to send it to Mr Nikon and see if he’ll fix 🙁 I think it’s still under warranty, and it’s insured, but only if it costs more than £100 to fix… And I don’t know if I would want to claim on the insurance for something like this… Views please people lol.
Anyway I’m going to head on here, and find something fun to do. Cya!
Exams over, yay
Well, exams over for another while yay! Freedom! Two weeks and then I’m away on holiday, whoop whoop 🙂
Watching an old episdode of gladiators, funny programme!
It’s a terrible morning, really wet, roads covered in standing water, bit un-fun for driving..
Anyway, don’t know what I’m doing next week, mum’s school sports day on Thursday, so I have a date with my camera, as usual. The place that does her website is stopping their free service, so going to design her a new website I think… Exciting stuff!
Anyway, don’t have much else to say right now, might blog again soon if I can think of anything interesting to say…