Well, so far today has been a pretty standard Monday. Woke up at about 7.30, as usual, glasses and iPod had fallen down the side of the bed, so I had to go hoking for those…
Had to drive over today, as my mum is doing something in Stranmillis this afternoon, so she’s going to give my dad a lift home, and I’ll be going home at lunch anyway, so it kind of made sense for me to bring the car over… Saves me a bit of a dander later on anyway.
Had a bit of downtime on the server last night/this morning. Bit unsure about the length of time it was out of action, but I don’t think it was that long, although I can’t remember being on my blog or anything, so it’s possible it was actually off for a while. Think it was just a bit of a problem with mySQL, it might be a recurring issue, but I’ll wait and see anyway… Don’t want to have to do anything if it’s not going to keep happening!
Was working 7am-3.30pm yesterday, although at the end of my shift I ended up having to go to Carrick with some flowers, as another store had run out, and we had a lot left. Was a nice drive though, and was a bit of a change of scenery for half an hour 
Lectures this morning were pretty uneventful, no fire alarms or anything, and the lecturers didn’t do anything funny or silly, so that was pretty boring!
On Saturday morning we went bowling at the Odyssey. It was quite good fun, but their machines weren’t working too well, our balls kept getting stuck at the end of the lane, and the machine wouldn’t kick them back up to us, and we had a few times where the skittles weren’t all getting set down, and then near the end of our time the thing just stopped working completely… This was after having to change lanes about 10 minutes in as the lane was only getting reset with about 4 or 5 pins every time… A little annoying to say the least! They just don’t seem as reliable as the Brunswick ones at the Sportsbowl in Glengormley… But all in all it was quite good fun!
Saturday afternoon we also popped into Costa coffee in Abbeycentre, thinking it would be nice, as we had an early lunch, and dinner wasn’t until a bit later. Not impressed! Asked for a caramel latte, to be told, “Oh sorry, we have no caramel syrup left.” Ok, fair enough I thought, so I just got a normal latte… I then went to pay by card, again to be told, “Sorry our card machine isn’t working.” We then went to find a table, which were all dirty and covered with dirty dishes. Some of the employees were complaining about a customer having knocked over a tray of dirty dishes, but had they been cleaning the tables, this wouldn’t have happened… They also seemed to be in a bit of a hurry to close up – this was about half 5, Abbeycentre/shops close at 6, so it was understandable, but they had stopped doing sit in orders as soon as we got ours, after this they were all just standing around, surely had they wanted to they could have been cleaning the tables to get ready to close? They could have the tables cleaned, and the chairs moved out of the way…
Anyway, rant over, maybe someone will notice this and pass it on to Costa